
R. Atoll Police Enhance Community Safety Through Walk-and-Talk Initiative

15 Jul

In furtherance of ongoing crime prevention efforts, R. Atoll Police conducted a walk-and-talk program in R. Innamaadhoo on July 10. The initiative aimed to ensure community safety and preserve the atoll's reputation as a low-crime atoll.


During the program, officers engaged directly with residents, offering guidance on preventing common crimes and safeguarding homes and properties. Discussions included practical advice on securing doors and windows, enhancing lighting, and employing security systems to deter potential intruders.


The program also addressed strategies to prevent falling victim to fraud. Participants were educated on various scam tactics, particularly those prevalent on social media platforms, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding personal information such as bank details and One-Time Password (OTP) codes.


Community members were urged to promptly report fraud and attempted fraud incidents and be vigilant of suspicious behavior. Police officers stressed the significance of protecting personal data and exercising caution when receiving communications requesting confidential information.


The walk-and-talk program highlights R. Atoll Police's commitment to promoting a secure environment and maintaining the atoll's status as a low-crime locality.