
A session to familiarize residents with the Land Transport Act held in Dharanboodhoo

31 Jul 2024

A session to provide information and familiarize residents with the Land Transport Act and regulations has been conducted in F. Dharanboodhoo.

This session, held on the 30th of this month, was aimed at raising awareness about the Land Transport Act and regulations, as well as familiarizing those who wish to obtain a land vehicle driving license with the laws and regulations.

During this session, in addition to the Land Transport Act and regulations, information was also provided about road etiquette and matters to be mindful of when using the roads.

The session, jointly organized by the Dharanboodhoo Police Post and the island council, was attended by 49 residents.

The police working in F. Atoll have been making extensive efforts to raise public awareness about laws and regulations, aiming to make the atoll a safer place with reduced crime.